Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blogging Molly

Okay, Molly ( whomever she maybe) has nothing to do with this entry. I thought I would be cute by making it sound like that fabulous band, Flogging Molly ( what the hell is flogging?). I been thinking how no one responds to these things; to these blogs. If you think about it, I could say the most fucked up things and no one really cares. As could anyone else. People, unless we have a book coming out, have money to buy us a name,own a gaining fame store/website, or spend our time taking pictures or adorably funny youtube videos, we will not be heard. Why do we blog?

I guess its a sense of being of columnist. I haven't met every blogger in the world, but I assume we all wanted to publish a novel, write our opinions on politics and human interest, or even desired to see our work read. My whole life I just assumed that I would be a famous writer. This might be the writer in us trying to reach out to the world. We just pray that our life would take a turn like Julie Powell. If you haven't seen the movie "Julie & Julia" or read the book, its pretty decent. I will just say that Powell was dubbed by her loved ones and "the one" to write the best novel EVER. Only to be married in Brooklyn on top of a Pizzeria with a job she didn't really care for. The world of Blogging inspired Powell to sacrifice her loved ones affections and take on the public challenge of finishing all of Julia Child's recipies in a year.

Okay, what the hell am I doing? This is not a movie review or a musical review! Point is, bloggers like myself don't ask for much. Just a word out and to see anyone yells back. This is just a word out from a girl who once thought she knew it all, but maybe that was just the blogging world telling me I did.