Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's a Thursday night I just think. Well this one anyways. No one is home, the dogs are quiet and The wind is blowing the cold air. All I can think about is how this semester is almost over and how I am a bit bummed. My teachers are great and I'll miss the hell out of them.

It's kind of a sad life teacher's go through. Particularly the ones that give a damn. Every semester they deal with dozens of new students and in each class there are the few that stay and are passionate of what they are being taught. A bond is slowly growing and then, more. That's it. The semester is over. Sometimes they will see each other again, but one could hope. Very sad.

Also, what the hell is up with all these Christmas commercials. I get that Black Friday (yeah!) is on its way, but do they seriously need to make the whole thing so...Christmas-y? At least give a commercial or two for Thanksgiving!

Besides, Christmas isn't about the competitive shopping or the decor. It's always and should stay to be about family and the reason why we all have a Christmas...for the birth of Jesus. And I am not mentioning the other holidays because I think they get their message more than us celebrating Christmas do. They are okay to me.

Well, that is all. I have to prepare for battle for the Harry Potter premier and I will try not to gush about its awesomeness.