Monday, August 22, 2011

Don't Be a Betch

So, I realize I really don't like King. If anything, I want to be rid of her. She cusses like a teenager and has the most annoying laugh ever. I am all to cussing, but saying "Fuck" in every sentence is very annoying and not so lady like. And King does something that pisses me off even more. She has a STD and doesn't say it to her lovers.

Where in her little fucked up brain does she thinks they don't have the right to know?

So, Candy and I have this friend for a very long time called...Z. Z has a roommate named...Smiley. One night King, Candy and I went over to there apartment and there was drinking and beer pong. I pretty much got drunk and recall Candy laying in bed with Z and King being alone in a living room with Smiley even though the bitch claimed she was sleeping. We heard laughing and Candy made a comment saying, "They sound like their having fun."


I don't know if I like Smiley in that way. I really don't. I just know that he is a cool person and I don't mind saving him a trip to the doctor. So I ruined the mood and i can tell King seemed a bit annoyed.

So, goal is saving every man I can from King's clutches. Maybe even have a little fun myself.