Thursday, October 22, 2009

I felt a dream

I love it when a song, dance, and picture could just bring back all these emotions. I feel like I could do whatever I ever wanted to do as a child. I mean EVERYTHING (which actually includes finding unicorns). I also remember how my mom has always said how hard it is to reach for dreams, but if a low life like Perez Hilton can have his own empire, why can't I?

I got the brains to through a story out there. A story that would make Stephenie Meyer stir in her sleep. I want a story that would be treasured for so long, another century would call it a beautiful classic.

That's the sad part about writing a story. You have to put as much of you in there as possible. When you die, your story a legacy that lets people know you existed. It's scary thinking of it that way, but somehow romantic. I wouldn't mind dying as long as my story is out there.