Friday, December 31, 2010


2011 is coming very close.

As I wait for my ride that will take me to God-knows-where, I just think about all of 2010. I think of all the things I did and some accomplishments. But, I also think about what I didn't do. Like, fall in love, let a little bit more loose, and still not writing that novel. But above all, I realized I succeded another year in being good.

Which has its ups and downs.

Ups because my parents and grandma have total trust in me. I am STD and not prego. I have goal and not addicted to anything.

The downs is the guilt of doing anything (drinking, sex, drugs) because of fear that my mommy (sarcasm) will find out. I officially been branded as a good girl to my alumni, and its embarrassing to admit that this year, I have finally grown a taste to whiskey, vodka, and rum.

But this year, I want to shed that title in telling that I wouldn't mind staying out all night being stupid once in a while. Still, don't think of me as desperate to go trashy. I am just tired of going out of month or so. I am young and should be foolish once in a while.

I can't tell you what will happen as I start this new year. I don't know myself. I will tell you that I will enter the new year relaxed, young, and owning the night.

Have a happy new year!