Thursday, July 14, 2011

Club Age

Let me introduce a dub called Meg. Meg works part-time at retail and has been drinking since seventeen (her now being twenty). A lot of things piss her off. Players, other drivers, and sucky manicures. It's not these peeves that astound me, it's just one. Meg hates that her grandma clubs the same places she does.

So much so that Meg now refuses to go clubbing at the country clubs her grandma goes to. Which, in a little town like hers, limits her to one pric-y place (Twenty bucks a minor) and a few gay nests.

"It just feels like she is playing kid, and I'm playing the adult. Shouldn't she be into cooking or something?"

I have noticed this at my own town. All clubs that feature country are packed with people in their late forties to early fifties. The women dress in rhinestone, thin t-shirts and the men dress in their cowboy best. The women drool after men in college and speak in Tex Mex when a girl younger than them passes by. It's actually because of this, clubbing has seemed less appealing to me. It's basically that theory where something is cool until older people ruin it. Now that my places are packed with women that used to work at my school "Oh! Hi Mrs. J!" the whole scene seems too safe and less cool.

"Ghost, you wanna go to Reggie's?"

", Mrs. Jay goes there and I am not comfortable with her knowing I drink."

This making clubbing less fun, and I have noticed that not even Candy or Bunny bother with it. Meanwhile, my aunts have been going and the very thought that they get to go out there drinking kind of pisses me off. Isn't that really the only fun part about clubbing?

It's funny how our age roles have been switched. To be honest, I really haven't been going because I just feel like I have been there, done that. Go to a club? Check! Get tipsy? Check! Smoke? Check!

Really sad how that stuff doesn't even satisfy me anymore. Meanwhile, Meg's Grandma is rediscovering her youth.

Might get invited to Reggie's tonight, but I might not go if Mrs. J is there. just saying.