Saturday, July 9, 2011


I have been thinking a lot about how my friends and family have their lives set up and I have mine. If someone were to tell me I have it easy, I wouldn't deny it. I pay no rent, my family is supportive, and my only struggle is school. I look at my married friends, the used friends, and some unfortunate family members and I remember the many thoughts I had about them: they should have known better.

For some reason though, I finally realized that it works for them. It just makes them more interesting. They were able to love and sacrifice while I managed to be cynical and observant. In other words, I knew too much for my own good. Although, sometimes on this blog I ache for a lost love. I am not really suffering because I never sacrificed for him. I was never willing to.

I remember feeling that way in high school too. If I only knew to look around at people who really have it bad, I might appreciate what I got.

I say that I want to be free, but seeing as how I am so sheltered, would I be ready to be off at some university? Or, is it more of a question of whether or not I will jump.

so I have come to accept people either have it better than me (yes, I've met them) or worse. I shouldn't be so ready to judge them by their choices of life. I should be more concerned about my own. Well, thank God I can admit my own faults.