Monday, July 4, 2011

I Want To Marry The Night

Okay, this whole staying at home shit is getting WAY too old. Candy asked me once if I wanted to stay with her for a couple of days. I said no. Not because I wanted to, because I had to. This whole summer school thing is draining. If I were to go anywhere, it would have to be somewhere where there is internet.

I actually miss those idiotic nights where people got drunk and stupid. I never thought I needed a shot of whiskey so bad! But I do. I need three shots just to get my head out of this fog.

Great, now I sound like a alcoholic. Forgive me!

I keep telling myself, just this one summer. But, it pains me that with every chance I get, I fill it with classes. These classes aren't even that fun. Remind me next time to just go for a classroom setting. Not a bed room setting.

So, yeah, not much to really say. I am close to one final and then close to dropping a class. Ugh, don't really like that sound. But it needs to be done.

Happy 4th of July. Please take a shot for me.