Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Harry F****** Potter

So, it's no secret that the final movie of Harry Potter is released tomorrow. All over my facebook people have been saying how they are all going to see the movie midnight. I say: Fuck that! I am a HP fan, but I am not a fanatic. I am also not a night owl. I am sad that the series is ending, but all great things do.

I remember when I used to go to the HP forums. Remember when forums were that cool? Now it's all about Skype. Anyways, I had a lot of pet peeves in these forums, but the one comment I hate the most is "I had no life before I read the books and watched the movies!"

We live in a generation where media is not only the majority of our lives, but an obsession as well. There are Twilighters, Trekkies, HP fanatics, Whedonites Monsters, Fangbangers, and lets not forget about us Sex and the City shopaholics (it's like they know my love for shoes). But if someone goes as far to say that they had nothing before a just sad.

Maybe these idiots say it because they want to prove to be a fanatic. I don't know. I do know that I have seen a dark side to media obsession, and it's...just not cool. It's sad really. To only have on topic to talk about. To have friends that are only there because you share the same obsession. Spending hours on the internet digging up information, watch the videos, and commenting on forums just so you will be the epic title: Number 1 fan.

If our fore fathers saw us now, would they be pleased with the result? Or would they be fascinated with the Hogwarts school system.

If any of you fanatics came upon this blog after hours of digging some dirt on Harry Potter. If you have Hogwarts decor, cosplay, read the HP collection more than 8 times, and put her facebook name "Draco" let me tell you this: Life is more than fiction. Reality can suck, but when it doesn't suck, it's awesome.