Wednesday, November 30, 2011

God Mother

In one of my classes, we learned about the social clock. This can be described as being surrounded by social pressures by your community or peers. Twenty years ago, this would be your grandmother seeing you for Thanksgiving asking when exactly she'll have great grand kids.

But now the social clock is more digital and I see it every time I'm on facebook. I swear, I can't go on facebook without seeing pictures of babies and hearing cute things the five year old girl said. The crazy thing is that the mother of this next generation were my peers who wanted to go to a university or get the hell out of the city. Few are happily married while the majority are separated from the sperm donor.

I guess it's my form of social clock because I feel that my wall doesn't compare to those of first footsteps or little pink noses. I feel...alone as a single, not prego college girl.

And now the fact that Candy and Micro are having a baby makes me feel more alone. Worst of all...I'm deemed the God Mother.

I kind of wanted to shake Candy and tell her it's a bit mistake. I really wish she'll just put the kid up for adoption. Her and Micro are not ready to begin a relationship with a child.

But since the whole world is against them on this, like the good bff, I must suck it up and by her "What to Expect". They should really come up with a book called "What Not to Expect".

Friday, November 18, 2011

It's Called Being a Gentleman!

Men, I would like to tell you something. If you want a girl to take home to mama, the first step is to not look for a whore.

Okay, don’t you act like you don’t know the difference between trash and treasure. I know for a fact you do, else how do you know which girl to bang for the night?

Second step is to win the girl, and it’s easy to get her interested for the time being, but we both know your thinking about SEX.

Candy gave this guy my phone number. So we were texting, and then he asked for pics. I gave him two. One without cleavage and the other one with. But he kept asking and then he was basically sexting me.

I guess the pics made the guy think I was easy, but obviously if I said no to porno and sex, I am not like that. And while I’m there texting him, he keeps asking me what I think of him. I thought it was very weird he didn’t bother asking more about me.

Guys, I know I come off a hard judge, but it’s really not hard to move me. Just be friendly, flirty (not horny), and remember I am a person, not the mirror from Snow White.

I know there are good guys out there because my ex was one and my teacher (Mr. Books I dub him) is definitely one.

Ugh, I can’t stop thinking of Mr. Books! It sucks! Especially since I will soon not have him anymore. Why does he have to be so…mature!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Someone Like You

I had a boyfriend, and he was so close to perfect. But his little imperfections didn’t drive me away, it was my fear. He was four years older than me, and I didn’t really know how my parents would be. So….they never knew about him.

When we broke up, it was weird, but we were still each others friends on facebook.

Months went by and we still played the single game. I was really feeling put together.

But then he goes on to say he was the happiest man in the world because of his new girlfriend.

I thought I would be more cool about this, but I find myself in the continuing “what if” series. What if I grew up and just told my parents about him. What if I wasn’t insecure.

But, the bottom line is that it’s already happened. So I will give myself this one night of being depressed and all Taylor Swift. But tomorrow is a new day.

Sounds cliche, but it’s true. If I mourned over one guy I wasn’t even brave enough to care for, what’s that going to say about my true love?

We’ll see.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tumble on

Okay, so I have gotten a tumblr account. What is a tumblr...still kind of figuring that out. The best way I can describe it is that it's like a social network blog. You can customize it and if you see a cool picture someone else has, you can "reblog" it to your own post.

I am really excited to start the new blog, but I am not letting this one go. Really because I have said way too much on this blog. It's my first born! So I will keep this one and have both blogs running the same posts. Since people don't really know what I'm about, you might find that I will recycle posts. Okay, maybe that's just another way of saying I'm lazy. If you want to check out my tumblr simply click on the link: .

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trouble in Fairy Tale Land

In October two shows decided to pop their head out from a enchanted forest. One being the spawn of hit TV show (always wanted to say that) Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and the other from just as big hit TV show Lost. I was very interested, but alas, my busy schedule had me in computer lab looking at these shows through Hulu. Normally during the ads, I look at the reviews. One review just got on my nerves.

"It's so nice to see something so new and fresh!"

Ok, let me say that the whole modern fairy tale in modern world has been done. I am not saying Enchanted either. I am saying The 10th Kingdom. I loved it since I was a kid and have yet to see anything that could beat the mini-series. It's about a girl (20's really) and her dad getting sucked into a world where fairy tales exist. They are guided by a dog, who claims to be the grandson of Snow White, and it becomes apparent that since the death of Snow White there has not been many happy endings. I liked it because it had a little of everything. Romance, action, humor, horror, and drama. The cast was awesome (Ed O' Neil plays the Troll King), and the special effects weren't bad for early 2000's.

The only thing that came close to the show is Grimm's Fairy Tale and that is sadly a comic book. If you ever decide to check it out, don't judge a book by it's cover. It's likely you'll see a sexy Red Riding Hood showing her underwear. The comics are very well written and give modern meaning, you just have to look past the chest size.

Okay, now the actual review. The first one I actually saw the whole way through and was very excited for. Once Upon A Time actually had a decent plot line to boot! It's about the Evil Queen from the Snow White story placing a curse on all of Fairytale Land. Curse being that everyone must live in our world with no recollection what they once were. So Snow White is a elementary teacher, Queen is a mayor (very fitting), and Jimeny Crickett is a shrink. The only way to save them all from reality (can it be me too?) is by Snow White's 28 years old daughter (ugh, really don't want to explain her plot) coming to the town they live, Storybrook".

I like all characters, but strangely the star of the whole thing is The Evil Queen. Surprising. Snow White's daughter, Emma, is a character I strangely do not like. The whole time I'm watching these episodes, I can't help but think "Must really suck to have your mom younger looking then you". Her character is supposed to be the usual tough blonde chick who doesn't care for authority, but her dialogue is so boring and her character very flat despite her plot twists.

Grimm I was interested in really because it's from a writer from Buffy. It's pretty decent because it's like CSI with the Big Bad Wolf. But the main character just didn't click for me, and him acting like a chicken with his head cut off had me lose interest. I guess I would have to finish it.
Well there you go people. Big rant and now degree in Journalism to back it up. Enjoy.