Monday, February 7, 2011

Definition of Relationship Please

I guess I am one of those girls that is hard to forget. Not in a wild girl sort of way, but mostly for my epic lines and train of thoughts. I guess that's why I have good friends that despite the distance, our bond is too strong.

I used to believe in the whole best friend thing. That there is only that one person to make me feel full and less stressed. I believed in her for quite a while.

Still, the girl I dub Candy has been a bit off. My friends, I don't know how to say it, but what Candy and I have is more...strong. It's weird, I am not in love with her or anything. But its like this sisterhood. Still, I can't tell Candy anything. I can tell my hopes and dreams, but I can never tell her what I'm really up to. It's like she has this image of me and i can't get myself to taint it.

Example would be that in high school, I was shy and very anti-fashion. I was always seen with a Happy Bunny shirt and my hair messily put in a pony tail. When I moved to a place where American Eagle wasn't consider high fashion, my views on the subject changed. I know designers now and love shoes. So when we went to the mall, Candy and I, there were these Vince Camuto shoes. I felt so happy because I always wanted a pair that I would always see from Nordstrom. Okay, bottom line was, my enhanced knowledge of labels freaked Candy out.

Recenlty, Candy has been going through relationship stuff. And it seems that calling or texting me is all that seems to soothe her nerves. Still, I have stuff going on too, and its just so weird just listening and not participating. What is this relationship?

My other friend, dubbed Shadow, is a great new friend of mine. We met our senior year and she reminds me a lot like myself. Our sense of humor and sense of culture seems too alike. She lives in another state now and I miss her more than Candy. I guess because I could be flawed to Shadow. She knows how much of a shopaholic I am and has actually listened to my crap while I listen to hers. Its the kind of friendship I really miss. Just being girls giggling a stupid shit and talking about which guy has the best ass.

Well, its only a thought. I really want to visit Shadow, but who could afford it?