Friday, February 4, 2011


I used to fall for a guy quickly. It would just be a sentence he said or a kiss that would do the trick.
But's not so simple. Most girls my age have boyfriends that they always worry about or buy shit for. Phone conversations would be about these bastards. Even after they tell me all these guys flaws, I just ask them "Why do you stay?"

I ask this because I have never really fallen in love. In earlier posts, you seem me mourning over lost loves, but really I was in a different stage of mind.

The whole thing with The Guy made me realize that I could never love him. Or care for him. Not a single bit. I was drunk, he responded, and the next day, that's all there was.

Still, I should feel ugly or worthless. I should be begging for that guy back.

I'm not though.

Still, would I ever want to be like the women I see before me. I know I am supposed to be like that...but...

Maybe I am reading into this too much. I have been inside all day because of the weather.

So here is where I'm at. I am young, pretty, and smart. I just haven't found any guy who has really interested me. Still, I am comfortable though and have goals. I am doing something with my life and not throwing it all away on something stupid. Maybe I'll find a guy, and when I pray he isn't like these other douche bags.

Oh well.