Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Mid Term Sickness

So, it's mid term which means that everyone has up to here (well, I guess you can't see it, but its very high) with the semester. I am a reading review away to call it quits and just backpack to Europe. Why not? It's good exercise and I get culture out of it. But, I wont because that would really just be a huge waste of money...even if I am not paying for it.

I have been very sleepy, so studying for *** is the last thing on my mind right now. Even if the educator is a stud muffin, I still couldn't concentrate in class. My mom says I should start taking vitamins or something, but its really hard to do that when my grade is at stake...okay and I have been going out again.

I can't wait for summer. The time for road trips, family, and friends. I can't wait for all of that. Also for the late nights and 12 hour sleep. Yes!