Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Where I'll Stop Nobody Knows

First off I would like to say that people have actually been viewing this blog. Not a bother, but it's nice to know I am being viewed. Since I didn't tell any of my friends (except from a website) about this blog, I am happy to know a complete stranger is watching. And that sounded creepy. Is it my charm that is so appealing?

Okay, enough about me.

So, right now, American is really going through crazy shit because of our debt. I'm not a political brain, but I do know that we might end up borrowing money from other countries. Some people (Republicans?) think that doing so would show weakness. Which I could see why. Politics must have been invented by man because it's always about making countries seem tough. The affect it will have on my generation is not so good. There is the fact that Planned Parenthood might be doing less planning, Financial Aid would could cut in half, and tuition just went up eight dollars.

I heard on CNN earlier today that the Republicans do not want to give fair taxes to the rich. My British fantasy would say "Why the bloody hell not???" I agree.

Like I said before, America is full of celebrities, ones that really don't do anything. Rich celebrities. Imagine just giving a fair amount to all those no good celebrities, how this would suck less. Lord knows the decrease we would get if Oprah did them. I don't know if they do, like I said, I am not a politics brain. I just found the topic that the rich get richer while the poor get poorer very interesting.

So if there is anyone 18-25 please vote for whatever election. It's obvious that our generation is also suffering from this. Mid-class home owners are not alone on this. Also, don't spend money on the latest iPhone or Xbox or something like that. We are obviously going to need the money seeing as how this country is really going to the dogs.

So because of my debt scare and my feeling lonely, I keep thinking one thing. That was Get the hell out of the U.S.. I know that other places have it worse, but I will get to that.

I am very broke though. At this point I couldn't afford to buy luggage for a grand trip to Europe. I need to go somewhere rich with culture and not run by media. I am actually having a love/hate relationship with facebook. I am tired of mass media, even tired of Lady Gaga. Yes, it's getting THAT bad.

So I want to volunteer for a few months.

You read correctly. I want to volunteer in a poverty stricken country. I think I need to be away from family and friends for a little while to really find at least a piece of myself. Maybe even to be more appreciative of my own country.

I didn't know that even volunteer for a few months in a country, you also need to pay. Which is not really cool. But, if I do get the job, and I save enough, maybe I'll go.

My sub header mention fulfillment, but I haven't really been filling lately. So, this summer I am going to work on that.