Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Whenever a Dream Comes True

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to write epic books for girls who were like me. Shy and didn't know what to really think of the world. Like most dreams, it just got lost in a sea of drama and unfairness the world had to offer. So that dream was put aside. It was put aside for things like education, family, job hunting.

I had a lot of ideas too. I wanted to write things for teen girls. I had so many story lines and they are still in my head. But, seeing it on the computer screen is just something I can't do. I have tried so many times, but I could never do it. I can't seem to put my stories out there on a screen.

So, last night I was looking through my spirals (fyi, I'm a school supplies hoarder), and I saw so many poems. Okay, not so many. But it then hit me what I was good at was writing poetry.

So, I'm looking through all the old spirals and notes (yes, I wrote poems on my notes), and even making some new ones. Maybe I was just always a poet.

If I am able to publish my book...well that would be great. That would be just a dream come true.