Sunday, August 28, 2011

Joe and Adele

So, the VMA's are not over, but already a lot of shit to talk about. First and foremost, Gaga's masculine ego, Joe Calderone.

He comes off as a lovesick greaser with a ciggy in his hand and a beer set on the piano that he spills to fans. I didn't really know what Gaga was thinking. Was she giving us an image of her Judas? Or her ideal guy? Her character, Joe, tells the audience how Gaga was crazy and how she can't have an honest feeling without the spotlight. So, I guess I will be having a wet dream about Gaga and Joe, how messed up is? I told Candy that if there was one girl I would not mind losing my virginity to, it would be Lady Gaga, so the fact that she came out as a dude, basically confirms my desire. Course, haters are goin' hate. People have been saying how much the song sucks and how it's just to get attention. I don't get it. People bitch about her being a blonde in a leotard singing pop. Minute she changes her song, hair, and theatrical gender, it's still a problem. Oh well.

Now, Adele's performance was amazing to me. I only heard Rolling in the Deep. But I heard that's actually her worst song on the album. I was so pumped to seeing her sing. She is the celebrity among celebrities. her song opened something up in me. It was simple. A piano, black dress, and mike. She had a passion that perfectly matches Gaga's (Joe?). Her eyes carried such emotion a lot of performers lack. One guy, a fellow monster, didn't like it though. But it made me see that a true lover of music would not rely on fireworks, crazy outfits, or hot dancers to like an artist.

So, Gaga/Joe won Best Female Video and I am very happy. But I would be just as happy if Adele did.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Don't Be a Betch

So, I realize I really don't like King. If anything, I want to be rid of her. She cusses like a teenager and has the most annoying laugh ever. I am all to cussing, but saying "Fuck" in every sentence is very annoying and not so lady like. And King does something that pisses me off even more. She has a STD and doesn't say it to her lovers.

Where in her little fucked up brain does she thinks they don't have the right to know?

So, Candy and I have this friend for a very long time called...Z. Z has a roommate named...Smiley. One night King, Candy and I went over to there apartment and there was drinking and beer pong. I pretty much got drunk and recall Candy laying in bed with Z and King being alone in a living room with Smiley even though the bitch claimed she was sleeping. We heard laughing and Candy made a comment saying, "They sound like their having fun."


I don't know if I like Smiley in that way. I really don't. I just know that he is a cool person and I don't mind saving him a trip to the doctor. So I ruined the mood and i can tell King seemed a bit annoyed.

So, goal is saving every man I can from King's clutches. Maybe even have a little fun myself.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Second Summer Reflection

So, my summer has officially ended. I just have a week off before I go back for fall. I discovered that I can now apply for a university I was really interested in. Even if i can't afford, it would be nice to be accepted. I am excited to start a new chapter. I am excited to get out of prison. I know how I have it good, but sometimes, those things come with a your dignity.

As much as I love my family, I know I can't take another year living with them. I need that self discovery, and I wouldn't mind another college being a excuse.

My second summer reflection is that people are selfish. I guess if you're a saint, no, but other than that, we are all pretty damn selfish. Sometimes fun does come before loved ones. I have been guilty of it myself, but kicking someone while their down isn't that fun.

I am sick of the life I'm living. So I promise that by next summer, I will not be in this spot.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Okay, there is supposed to be a b looking accent in the title word rather than English "B", but my computer is lame soooo deal with it!

I have been out for a bit, mostly because I had no clue what to write about. Also, summer schoo is it's usual shitty self.

Now, scheibe (pronounced shy-za) is the German word for shit. If you are a Gaga monster, you would know it's the name of a song off her new album (in stores now!). The song is really the purpose here. There is this part where she sings:

I wish I could dance on a single prayer.
I wish I could go without permission, yeah
I wish I could dance on a single prayer
I wish I could be strong without the scheibe there.

Scheibe is referring to the man that is putting her down. The song is a very feminist song so I love the scheibe out of it.

I was thinking about it because of text from candy after a fight with a bf. I should change. I was hoping her choice of men, but she meant herself to be approved by this loser.

I'm not saying change is bad. God no! But I believe that the only good reason to change is for yourself. Not for some guy. Or any guy. If you have a true love or soul mate. Whatever people call it these days, I believe they should be willing to accept you. They should also accept the choices you make that does include change. You should be willing as well.

I feel like I'm the only one that sees this.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Summer Reflection

I know that it's a bit early for this. I believe school ends for me three weeks fromnow, but I am going to reflect anyways.

I learned that not everyone is a two dimensional character. like King. She introduces herself as this nice girl, but she is really fake. Not just to Candy, but to me. I hate how she always tries to be more real than me Just because I don't do E, doesn't mean I'm not real. Then, there is Net. She is a sweet girl, but I think being close to her mom for so long screwed her up somehow. I normally come off as shy, but Net makes me look like a party girl. That is sad.

I have also noticed that I am not as hesitant to take a chance on clothes or trends, which is always a plus for a shopaholic like me. But, I am also more relaxed with other people which is another bonus.

I also learned to really think about my classes. Think REALLY hard.

Really can't wait for fall classes, especially since I have a crush on one of the instructors. I guess I'll call him Mr.H? Yeah, that'll do.