Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can't Possibly be Human, or Warm-Hearted.

This morning, I have been less in reality. I guess it's day dream season. I just know that my mind is in a fog and reality seems to just be a blurry object in the distance. Maybe it's the lack of going out, maybe it's because I haven't had any caffeine (cappucino) in weeks. I just know that I am barely "with it" right now. I am currently in school because being at home all day is only asking for trouble. I have promised my parent that I would go to school at least once a week for help. Ugh. Not the school part, but this being dazed part.

Like every other time I get to this, I think about things of little importance, but I am going to say it anyways, I think girls in their early twenties are complete idiots to getting married. There! I said it! Actually, I also feel the same for boys. I even will go far to say hopping into bed with someone, and getting pregnant is stupid. People my age should be trying to build a life for a husband and family, not just getting one. i don't believe in the whole high school sweathearts bit.

I mean, I'm sure it worked fine for our grandparents and great grandparents. Really cause their generation knows the truth of romance and love. They weren't brainwashed by mainstream or commercials. Sure, they went through the sexual revolution (60's and 70's), but they pretty much wanted the American Dream. They didn't mind staying in the town they grew up in. They grew up faster.

Our generation in the other hand, isn't mature even with a family. We are at this constant "more" stage. Sure, every girl wants to fined "the one", even I would like to find him. But the truth is guys in their twenties might as well be fifteen.

I guess the topic got to me because I have married or engaged friends, and they always seem to have a miserable life. They always complain about communication and how he isn't the same. I feel that they were so warped up with the whole disney romance shit us 90's kids were always fed, that they didn't see the big picture. "Big picture: Yeah, he might love you, but he loves himself as well. He loves is Xbox kinnect because he paid good money for it. He loves the sex, but he wouldn't mind hanging with "the boys more." Not to say these guys couldn't love. I just believe they aren't ready to love. I believe that love isn't just a warm feeling people get. I think it's this thing you have to take care of so it could properly grow.

What really has been bugging me is that unlike my friends that long to have babies and be married, I don't really see that. I don't really want that ten years from now. I want a career, friends, a different night life, the city. I do not want a family. I do not want a soul mate. According to my generation, there is something wrong with me.