Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Metamorphosis

Lately, I have felt in sync with Lady Gaga (yes I am a monster). Really because I feel I have also been going through this metamorphosis of my own. Only, I am not wearing meat to prove it. Bottom line is, I have changes in my life that i will not mention really because I believe it would interfere with my identity.

Let me tell you, instead, the effect it has on my views. I feel a bit more at ease with the ways things are going for me. Not this fall, but next fall I will further my education in a university. I might be moving to my favorite city, and for some reason this feeling of luck is in the air. Candy and I haven't really been speaking. Not because we don't want to, merely because I am doing summer school and she is working. Trying to figure out her own problems.

I look back at my high school days and tried to remember how I saw life, fashion, music, and boys. Now I realize I am not really attracted to pretty boys, but men of depth. I realize I cannot deny I love pop. I love fashion to the true rapture, and I can be extremely melo-dramatic.

Because, I am at this part of my metamorphosis, I realize that I want to move on. Leave my home, my family, and Candy. Go where I d0n't have a name. Where I can finally introduce myself. It will happen mon ami's. And it's coming by fast.